The Wooley Artist in a Lilly Zoo

My Girls, our sheepies,chickens and their eggs, fiber, sometimes paint, homemade goodies and life on a small hobby farm called LillyZoo

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The snowy weekend

The sheepies wouldn't even come out to play their head butting game. Later I went out to clear a path for them to move around the winter pin. At one point the jumped into the snow drift and got suck. hehehe fat sheepie floating on snow. I wish I had a picture of that.


We lost couple trees and lots of limbs
A very old pear tree and in the background is a very old apple tree

This great white pine is the one we were really worried about. Z and I went out for a walk to assess the snow situation. E was too short to travel through the snow. Even Z was having a hard time.

Walking out to the pond I thought I saw a balloon gliding across the pond as if it were ice skating. It must be an illusion... it wasn't... it was a freeflyin balloon out for a ride. I always think of these magical orbs of air as having a life of their own. They don't like to be tied to string and wagged around by some little person. They will do anything to get free and float to freedom.

Greenie saw me floated right up to me and went past.

It was going to Z to flaunt it's freedom at her.

I actually said to myself no way it can't be going straight to her.

It did...

Then broke free of her little hands and was off to explore our sugar maples

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