The Wooley Artist in a Lilly Zoo

My Girls, our sheepies,chickens and their eggs, fiber, sometimes paint, homemade goodies and life on a small hobby farm called LillyZoo

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Waitin for my world not to change.

Sittin around waitin for my world NOT to change. Yesterday I had to have a vaccum assisted biopsy of my left breast. Three weeks ago I found a lump the size of a grape. I like to think that I self examine my breast regularly and am in tune with my body. My close friend is a midwife and always on our cases to check ourselves. I am all about clean and natural chemical free living. I am 8 months pregnant, terrified, and hopeful. I have a very close circle of lady friends that have been wrapping the baby and I in light and love for the past two weeks while I wait for a good diagnosis. The what ifs alone are enough to stop me in my tracks and ruin my day. The idea of having a newborn that wouldn't get all the bonding, nurishment, love and affection I want to bestow is horrifying. I live for this. Motherhood, Homeschooling Mom, Partner, Wife is who I have grown up to be successfully. I don't want the my world to change. I won't have posted this until I have a diagnosis (so I don't get alot of phone calls to talk about something that is NOT going to be anything), but I have to say this has been the longest day since my 36 hour labor with number 1.

3:40pm I just got the call and a tearful sigh of relief... She says my lump is benign!!


Kelly Light said...

jen when I was 24 I had a tumor removed from my left breast- it was hugely traumatic waiting to find out if I had cancer- and that was before Maggie. It's a little late but- big hug.

Stephanie said...

Oh, goodness... I'm so glad you're well!
big hugs to you.

martine said...

I found your blog random searching people who are interested in crafty stuff ... and what a post to find. I am so glad for you that the result was good and wish you health and happiness with your new baby.
best wishes


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