The Wooley Artist in a Lilly Zoo

My Girls, our sheepies,chickens and their eggs, fiber, sometimes paint, homemade goodies and life on a small hobby farm called LillyZoo

Monday, March 30, 2009

Chicks perch

Did you know that? This is a big learning block for us. They start pretty young. The feathers begin to grow in and they start jumping and fluttering around. One of our little white leghorns started sitting up on top of the feed jar. That was a good sign that I need to introduce a roost. I am pretty sure she was the first to figure out the perch. A couple of hours after introducing the perch they were all trying it out. Jumping up and knocking off the gal sitting proudly. The little birds peck at who ever is sitting on the perch under the light. So much fun to watch.
In your backyard Our textbook for this project has been Your Chickens by Gail Damerow. Everything we have needed to know about the chicks so far is in there and of course we peruse the Internet for other peoples experiences. Apparently the backyard chicken movement is out there. As long as you don't have roosters (cockadoodle do) you can easily get away with a few contained chickens in your city backyard. It is not hard and the payoff is tremendous.

Another Loss We lost another chick today, the only rare bird the hatchery gave us. We ordered 25 rainbow layers, a mixed batch. The hatchery threw in a free rare bird and an extra for good measure. I was pretty sure the chicks were out of the woods and we wouldn't loose anymore until this afternoon when I think the little bird was suffocated in the afternoon nap under the light. It happens I guess. Today's little one makes 9 gone. We still have 18 but I have to admit I am quite disappointed. It means less eggs to share with others. I was also looking forward to seeing the little rare bird growing up. She was very pretty.

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