The Wooley Artist in a Lilly Zoo

My Girls, our sheepies,chickens and their eggs, fiber, sometimes paint, homemade goodies and life on a small hobby farm called LillyZoo

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Finding the silence is often hard. This is the time that I look forward to for myself. It is usually the end of the day after the children are in bed with visions of sugar plums and princesses in their heads. The hubby is fast asleep after a long hard day of work and getting ready for his next list of to-dos. Ahhhh, I find it... some time to just sit and read or write. Project what we will occupy our time with in the next day. Think of what I could do better or should have done better. Why is it so hard to recoupe this time from my day? This is what I do for me.

1 comment:

temptressyarn said...

Aahhhhh...the ME time. Few mamas get to have that ME time. Peace, quiet, reflection, productivity. Yes.


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